
initialize local repository

git init

make untracked file tracked

git add [file]
git add .  # add all
git add --all
git add -A

commit changes

git commit -m "message"

view current information about git

git status

clone from the github

git clone ssh/https
git clone -b branch_name ssh/https

show commit logs

git log

reset current HEAD to specified state

# this commend will delete logs along the way
git reset --hard HEAD^ #last
git reset --hard HEAD^^ #the time before last time
git reset --hard HEAD~3

git reset --hard commit_id

revert to existing commits

# this commend will not delete any log
git revert -n HEAD^ #last
git revert -n HEAD^^ #the time before last time
git revert -n HEAD~3

git revert -n commit_id


create new branch

git checkout -b branch_name

switch to another branch

git check branch_name

merge into current branch

git merge branch_name # (merge from) to the current branch (do not need to state)

undo the merge

git merge --abort


remote repository

set a new remote repo

git remote add origin [https or ssh]
# origin is the default name of remote repo

view current remote repo

git remote
git remote -v

change url

git remote set-url [https or ssh]

拉取远程仓库(pull the changes from the remote)

git pull
git pull origin branch_name

>>> Already up to date.


git push -u origin master # first time
git push origin master
git push remote_name local_branch_name
git push

pull request

  1. fork the public repo
  2. clone it to the local
  3. create new branch
  4. push it to the remote
  5. create pull request and wait for the acceptance